Use Cases

  • Productivity and Status
  • Content Library
  • Unstructured Data Catalog
  • Reseach and Idea Generation
  • Project and Collaboration
  • Time and Financial
  • Sales and Supply
  • Enterprise
  • Productivity and Status
  • Your unified dashboard can be your place to start work everyday. Come back whenever you need a birdeye view of all your content and work. Check your productivity weekly, monthly, quarterly to make sure all your accomplishments are backed up.
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  • Content Library
    Personal content library
  • To create a content library, you can start by uploading files from your local drive. You can also upload file links from major cloud storage facilities such as Box, Dropbox, Googledrive and Onedrive or MS Azure. The file upload size is currently limited to 5M for each file. Multi-file upload is supported. At this point file links from other cloud storage facilities must be uploaded manually, multi-file links upload is also supported.
  • Version control
  • Once you have completed a file (link) upload, you have three different method to update it with its new version. (1) in the upload window, you can choose a file reference (not a metadata reference), your new upload will be saved as a new version to the old referenced file (link). (2) click on the update button under the file thumbnail icon on any content page. Once the update window is popped up, you can upload a new file there. Once the file (link) is uploaded, it will be saved as the new version for the choose file. (3) Click on the center of the file thumbnail icon on any content page, once a full file page is open, you can navigate to the upload link in the left panel. Once a new upload is completed, it will be saved as a new version for that opened file.
  • Group content repository
  • Metaiss is design to facilitate collaboration. You can create a group repository and catalog for all shared files. To begin the creation of a group repository and catalog, you must first create a group project which will add a group project folder to your shared group content. After that, you can proceed to your group project folder and start upload files or links.
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  • Unstructured Data Catalog
    Unstructured data
  • Metaiss can be used to build an unstructured data catalog. Unlike other file management systems, Metaiss allows individual user to has a personal workspace connected to the enterprise space. Not only downloaded files from the enterprise file catalog can be tracked, derivative files can also be tracked, making it a single source of files for the entire enterrpise including personal files, group files etc. In this system, everything is in. Lineage is continous and file governance links are unbroken. By providing a workspace both personal and group, even working files can be included within this system.
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  • Reseach and Idea Generation
  • Note taking is important. It is an essential part of a productivity tool. Easy to use and easy to find note taking app can make or break a app. We made our note taking app easy and quick to use, moreover, we made it easy to relate to and find keeping them close to what inspired them in the first place.
  • Goal
  • Set you goals so you know where you are going. Without a goal you may aimlessly wasting your time. Once they are created, you can use our DAM featrues to manage and track their status. Keep a history of their progression so you can see how your goals have evolved over time.
  • Bookmark management
  • You can use Metaiss bookmark service to keep track where, what and when of your whereabouts on the world wide web. Digital content life logging was the origin of all that have become of Metaiss today. You can bookmark any web page using two methods. One method requires the use of our bookmarklet which you can find on top of any page within your application. Drag and drop it to your favorite bar. When you want to bookmark a web page, simply click on it and you will be sent to an upload page within Metaiss. You can also navigate to the middle of the top menu bar "file" and click on bookmark. An upload page will show up and you can copy and paste the full url of the web page plus page title into the window. You can then choose which folder to put it into and which file's metadata to copy. You can assign some metadata at this point including status if this web page is part of your reading list. You can manage your bookmarks like any other files, using folder and metadata. Bookmarks can be part of your project content as well as long as you put them into the right project folders.
  • Reading list management
  • Our bookmarks double as a reading list. You can keep track of your reading status, add a topic, a subject, tag a privacy code, add a note, keep track how many hours you have spent on reading it, plus other metadata to keep them organized and yourself informed. Your reading list is a bunch of individual bookmarks, maybe with some specialized metadata geared towards reading material. You can manage your reading list like any other files, using folder and metadata. Bookmarks can be part of your project content as well, as long as you put them into the right folders.
  • Todo
  • Todolist is the simplest form of tracking status. It serves as asimple reminder list of things to do. No need to get fancy, keep all the complicated stuff to your more formal project/task list.
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  • Project and workflow management
    Project management
  • Metaiss follows the industry standard when it comes to project management. However, depends on the level of complexity involved, a project can have many layers. On the top is the project management layer. It works like a normal project you maybe used to. You can assign a multi-person team using their email addresses, assign roles to each team member, include a start and due date, assign a budget and lastly a list of milestone references including the stages of process a project must go through. After a project is setup, you can provide an outline to each project. Project and its outline is kept apart and can be created and updated separately. Versioning is available for both. Various metadata are also available.
  • Assignment management
  • Once a project is set up, you can then assign assignments. Assignments work the same way as projects, provide an underlying layer to bigger projects. There are two ways to create an assignment for a project. It can be added while you are in the process of creating a project before you click the finish button; or you can open the project page and navigate to the Add Assignment tab in the right panel on the project page. Either way, an association will be created between the parent project and the child assignment.
  • Task management
  • Lastly, you can assign tasks to each assignment. Again it works exactly the same way as an assignment but it is the last layer in the multi-layer project management system.
  • Workflow
  • Design customized workflow using our admin panel. For your CRM needs, you can design sales flow as an admin then let your sales force use it as an approved template to ensure uniformity across your organization.
  • Group project
  • Group project can be created in the same way as a personal project. All the files uploaded under the project folder or on the project page will be auto-associated with the parent project. The same would work for the files uploaded for assignments and tasks. All files uploaded within the scope of a project will be visible to the whole team. Only the users whose emails you included in the team line on the project creation page will have access to that project. Only team members can view and leave comments for each other's work.
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  • Time and Financial
    Time management
  • To increase productivity, one can take on a habit of tracking hours spent performing tasks. Metaiss gives users a way to keep track the amount of time they spend on each job or each file they worked on. More importantly, this information can be visualized as a report or plot to help you to stay on top of your time management.
  • Timesheet management
  • Timesheet can be a part of productivity hack. By formally tracking timesheets, human resources can be transparently managed, employers can turn expense centers into internal profit centers and departments can justify their place in corporate reshuffle.
  • Invoice management 
  • Invoice management is an important part of any company. Financial information should be a natural part of any work. To have your invoices permanently connected to the jobs done is part of know where everything is, it can ease the pain of any auditing process. It can make internal auditing easier too, having the necessary backup information readily available.
  • Budget management 
  • Budget information can be a part of a project. By tracking budget, useful financial information can be associated with every job. Over budget or delays are tracked in real time helping companies to be nimble and to stay on top of the game. Cumulative information can be used for future budgeting and planning purposes. Together with time management, these are the two best friends of a corporation when it comes to resources management.
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  • Sales and Supply
    Sales lead
  • Metaiss is a place to manage your contacts. You can use all the available metadata to profile your contacts, from past communications, to their publications, their employment status, shared interests and affiliations, and to how many years you worked together, or where you met or anything special that is worth mentioning can be kept with the contact permanently. Head shot can be uploaded to make your contacts more personal. Everything is versioned and you can go back to review your contact's history for remembrance sake.
  • Customer profiling
  • Successful customer management rests on customer profiling. Customer profiling comes in different flavors. You can build your customer list just like any contact list that you are used to. All the work done and services provided for a customer can become a part of the customer profile; their likes and dislikes plus feedback on previous engagements can be tracked and kept. All the timesheets and invoices including who worked on them can be a part of that customer profile as well. In our multi-dimensional application environment, everything can inter-related in a multi-direction way, every piece of information is metadata to another piece of information. They supplement each other and profiling for each other gives you a 360 degree view of your customer and your work. Customer relationship can be managed through a project. Used the workflow as a timeline to keep track of the development of your sales prospects. All the proposals, quotes, conversations and status can be saved as a part of a project creating permanent associations which leads to time saved in time of needs when you are looking for sales information.
  • Vendor profiling
  • Vendors can be managed much in the same way as customers. All the purchases, returns, discounts, special requirements including the quality of their work for each order, their strength and weaknesses, customer satisfaction of their product etc can all be part of the vendor profile.
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  • Enterprise
    Enterprise workspace
  • Most application do not offer enterprise wide connected workspaces for employees and departments. Enterprise can benefit from a vast connected workspaces. Performance management and transparency come first to mind. As sensitive information gets dispersed, connected workspace is the only way for enterprise to track the where abouts of that information. Metaiss' connected workspace is perfect for tracking working files which falls outside of too many content management systems.