About Us

What is Metaiss

Metaiss is a multi-application productivity software. It is a workspace, a repository, a context builder and a working tool for all your productivity needs. Metaiss workspace hierarchy has three tiers: users can have their own private workspaces, teams can have shared group workspaces, all have access to the public workspace, and admins and managers have access to the enterprise workspace.

In the private workspace, users are provided with a suite of software applications to help them to stream line their work activities. Collaborations and content sharing are done in each team's group workspaces where access control is enforced. In the enterprise workspace, managers can set policies, monitor worker productivity and budget information in realtime. A public library or a data catalog can also be setup at the enterprise level with strict access and security control keeping track who used what and where about of the content/data. Employee communications

Metaiss is a work hub. We help you to build context and relations for your content. Every application can be used independently but as a whole they have the snow ball effect, bridging the gap between individual applications, enriching each other, profiling each other.

How we differ

Metaiss is a new kind of work and resource management application with focus on document management. It comes with a digital asset management style document manager and a multi-tiered project management tool plus many other work related applications such as note, reading list, assignment, customer, and contact management. Metaiss automatically builds context, relations between your projects, customers, and content while you are working and make them inheritable. It helps you to keep your working files organized and the files will stay organized after the work is done. You can also use it to track important or sensitive information using context and relation inheritance. If you are using generative content or are preparing to do so, Metaiss is a perfect storage for your prompt inputs and generated content so you can keep track what works and make improvements.

Other all in one software vendors use relationship database to store your data, effectively creating many silos across tables/databases, teams, workspaces and applications. This is the reason why you can not easily get a single view across all your workspaces let alone having an enterprise view into company wide information.

Not all all in one applications are the same, most are not all in one at all constrained by their underlying technology.

Unlike other offerings, at Metaiss, there is connectivity between workspaces while ensuring each user's data stays private to the user and each team workspace stays private to the team members.

At Metaiss, each application is also connected to other applications automatically generate work related information for enterprise resource management. Metaiss has also brought interactive employee communications into the workspaces. Now employees do not need to leave their work hub to get their company news and resources.